Saturday, January 5, 2008

Weekend Snapshot

My friend came over to my house and brought me this pudding that she made. I had a taste of it when she left and it's delicious so i called her and asked if she can teach me on how to make it. I wish i can make as delicious as this.

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And here's for the technorati.


  1. Bulgarian pudding? Was expecting to see, well, Korean food in this entry!!! (BTW, I love Korean food!!! :b)

  2. Oooh, it actually looks kind of like flan! Looks good!

    Mine is up as well. Happy Saturday!

  3. Definitely looks tasty! Happy weekend

  4. What's in it? What's it made with? Looks yummy.

    My delicious is served....ummmm, posted! Drop by for a tasty treat!!

  5. That looks quite delicious. Have a great weekend.

  6. love pudding too, can I try some?

    Mine is up at 4SeasonsOfmylife and
    2Cents Worth . Hope you can visit me too. Happy Hunting.

  7. Looks really good....That sure yummmyyy..Have a great week...Mine Is Up Too:
    Anna's Daily Journal
