Saturday, February 16, 2008

bean paste

Do you have any idea what this is? It's ground beans or bean paste. I saw it when we went to the restaurant to eat daejigalbi. We were already heading home when i saw this beans hanging at the back of the restaurant near the parking lot.

I like bean paste soup. And i'm proud to say that i cook delicious bean paste soup. But i know my hubby is tired of eating this soup because i usually cook it whenever i don't have anything in mind on soup i should serve for hubby. My mother in law also agrees that i cook bean paste soup better than her. She also told me to cook it often because it's good for our health.

If you go to the restaurant, they usually serve bean paste soup, and this beans hanging on the roof is for preservation. I don't know how long will it take to preserve the beans but as you can see the beans is already too dried.

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