Friday, February 22, 2008


When we go somewhere and use the expressway, we usually stopped by at the hyugesu or resting area to go to the bathroom and buy something to eat. We usually buy juipo but last time, when we went to my inlaws house to celebrate the Seollal, we saw this small store selling teriyaki. I forgot the exact name but it's teriyaki something. They are expensive but delicious. Eight pieces for $3. They are made of octopus. Hubby bought it when he went to the bathroom. I just stayed in the car that time because it was too cold and i didn't want to go out. But after eating it, i went out and bought again.

I sometimes crave for it. Next time that we happened to dropped by there, i will surely buy it again. I hope it is still there. I'm just worried that it will be bankrupted because of all the stores, that teriyaki store has the less customers. I only saw one kid buying with me. Maybe because it is still new and people haven't tasted it, yet.


  1. Wow! Looks so yummy!

  2. Hmmmm great looking food! I bet it tastes great too.

  3. Looks so deli to me!

  4. Kagutom naman 'to sis. Para syang takoyaki. Spicy ba sya?
