Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Bean paste soup

My mother in law always tells me to prepare bean soup at least once a week. She said beans are good for our health specially when you have constipation. Most Koreans have this constipation problem because of their hot and spicy food. She said we have to pooh everyday and if we can't then we have to eat beans. Here's the bean soup that I prepared for lunch.

I don't buy bean paste in the mart. My hubby's aunt who lives in county makes bean paste at home. Although it is different from the bean paste that we bought in the market because it's a little bit darker, hers has more nutrients than what we buy in the market. She has a small green tea plantation and green tea is one of her ingredients in making bean paste. Here's the bean paste that aunt made.

It looks strange and my hubby didn't wanna try it before because of the color but my mother in law said that aunt's bean paste is much better than the one in the mart. So, I prepare until hubby had a taste of it and he likes it now.

Here's how to make bean paste soup.

Ingredients: 10 pieces of anchovy, 2 potatoes, 1 red pepper, slice of squash, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. chopped garlic, bean paste

1. Put the anchovies in 4 cups of water and boil.
2. Cut the potatoes, red pepper and squash into eight pieces and the onion into flat pieces.
3. Remove the anchovies in a boiling water and put all the ingredients and boil again for 10 minutes.
4. Put some water in a bowl and mix the bean paste soup well. Pour it in a boiling water with vegetables and let it boil again for 10 minutes.

Hint: The soup is more delicious with mushrooms and tofu.

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