Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Best food for the camp

We bought a tent 3 weeks ago and went camping the next weekend. Because it was too hot to stay in a tent in the afternoon, so our plan was to go camping again next month. But last Saturday, without any preparation, we went camping again. It was holiday last Friday because of Liberation day so we stayed home all day long that's why we decided to go out the next day although it rained but enjoyed the camp.

When we first went camping we saw that most campers had noodles for lunch and yes it's true that noodles is more delicious on a picnic or camp. And here we are, we prepared 2 packs of noodles for lunch. Doesn't it look delicious?

And as usual, we had pork barbecue (samgyopsal) for dinner. Yummy! Samgyopsal is my favorite and it is the food that most people bring when they go on a picnic or camping. It's also an alcohol's friend. Think of an alcohol and samgyopsal will also come to your mind. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. nagugutom ako everytime i visit ur blog hahaha..

    BTW, pls update my url into

