Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Broiled Pork Spareribs (Twaejigalbigui)

Broiled Pork Spareribs (Twaejigalbigui)

Ingredients: 2 2/3 pork spareribs, 6 tbsp. soy sauce, black pepper, 4 tbsp. sugar, 6 tbsp. chopped garlic. 1 tbsp.ginger juice, 2 tbsp. sesame salt, 2 tbsp. sesame oil, 2 Korean green peppers, 1 red pepper, 1 round onion, MSG, 6 skewers

1. Cut the spareribs into 2 3/4" lengths and score them lightly at 1/3" intervals,. Sprinkle the ribs with the ginger juice, 2 tbsp. sugar and mix well.
2. Combine they soy sauce, sugar, chopped green onion, chopped garlic, sesame salt, sesame oil, black pepper, and MSg to make the seasoning sauce.
3. Add seasoning sauce to the ribs and rub it in with your hands, so that the ribs are well coated with the seasoning.
4. Place the spareribs on a hot oiled grill and broil them by turning often. Be careful so that the seasoning does not get scorched and fall off the ribs.
5. Serve the broiled spareribs topped with the sliced lemon.

Hint: Marinate the pork in the ginger juice and broil it basting with the seasoning sauce.

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