Monday, September 22, 2008

fashion school

My co-worker is going to quit her job. She has been working for only a couple of months and now she's leaving us. She's going to another country to pursue her career. I didn't know that her profession is a fashion stylist. She's teaching English because she studied in America and stayed there for many years and now she's going to enter a fashion school again but to another country. I don't want her to leave but there's nothing I can do. I'm sad that she's leaving but also happy for her because i'm sure going to a better fashion design school is the best way to reach her goal and achieve her dream.

She's going to a fashion school that will provide her the training that she needs to advance in her fashion career. I also have the heart in designing clothes, my house and food. I like decorating things so I'm also thinking of going to a fashion school. What do you think of that? Do you think a fashion career may be the right path for me?

I may recommend this fashion school to my co-worker. She may be interested and I'm sure it's not too late to let her know about it.

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