Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I'm proud of him

I'm always amazed and proud of people who accomplished lots of things in their lives. One of these people that I'm proud of is the thought leader in finance and respected businessman, Mr. Alan Quasha. A graduate of Harvard College, Alan Quasha is the Chairman of Carret Asset Management Group LLC and Chairman of Brean Murray Carret & Co., and the founder, president and CEO of Quadrant Management, Inc.

I wish there are more people like him who has the potential in developing not only his own land but also to some countries like Europe, Asia and Africa who's involved in operating in a wide range of industries including manufacturing, financial services, communications and technology.

I'm proud to introduce you the ideal man who's involved in the development of more than 50 companies in some part of the World. I'm proud of his hardwork and great accomplishment in life.

1 comment:

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