Friday, February 20, 2009

Broiled Chicken Giblets (Tangnaejangbokkum)

Broiled Chicken Giblets (Tangnaejangbokkum)

Ingredients: 2/3 lb. chicken gizards and livers, 3 dried brown oak mushrooms, 1/4 lb bamboo shoots, 1/3 lb. konyak: jellied potato cake, 2 green bell peppers. 4 cloves garlic, 2 tbsp. salad oil, 2 tbsp. soy sauce, salt, ginger juice, black pepper, MSG., 2 tsp. cornstarch powder, 1/3 cup meat broth, 1 tbsp. rice wine, 1 tomato

Method: 1. Peel off the inner skin from the chicken gizzards and clean them by scrubbing with salt. Slit the outer part of the gizzards. Then cut them with the chicken livers into bite-sized pieces.
2. Scald the gizzards and livers and rinse in cold water.
3. Soften the dried mushrooms in water, remove the stems and slice them thinly. Cut the bamboo shoots into flat pieces.
4. Slice the jellied potato-ckae into 2 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/4" thick pieces. Slit each piece down the center leaving the ends intact and twist one end through the slit.
5. Halve the green bell peppers, remove the seeds and cut them into thick strips.
6. Fry the chicken giblets with the chopped garlic and dinger juie in a heated oiled pan. Then add the dried mushroom, jellied potato-cake and bamboo shoot, fry lightly and season them with the soy sauce, sufar, salt and black pepper.
7. Dissolve the cornstach powder in 1/3 cup broth. Add this starch liquid to the #6 fried ingredients and bring to a boil to thicken.

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