Monday, June 22, 2009

Let's Play the Cooking Games

I don't like cooking but because I love my hubby so I always want to prepare delicious food for him. Whenever he requests some food, even when i'm tired, I'm always willing to make it for him. I always try to experiment new recipes that sometimes make me upset when I make mistakes but I never gave up. I never enjoy cooking but I love playing Cooking Games. I have a cooking chips for my nintendo and pocket recipe game on my cellphone. The cooking game for my nintendo is too expensive. I wish I found this Free Cooking Games earlier. There are lots of games to play and it's more fun than playing with my nintendo. The pictures and characters are so cool! They are colorful and it's so interesting. It's fun to play with the whole family. Who knows your girl will help you cook or become a good cook by just playing the game. She can't only enjoy the game but also learn how to cook.

If you don't like cooking, then i'm sure you'll love the Food Games. Everyone enjoys food and playing food games will give you much fun. I've just done playing with my Chocolate game and the Ice cream parlour. I've just known this game and still new with it but I'm enjoying it.

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