Friday, July 31, 2009


It was raining so I asked my hubby what he wanted to eat. He asked me what is delicious when it rains. I wasn't hungry so I couldn't think anything. Then he told me to make kimchijeon (kimchi jeon), a korean pancake-like dish made with kimchi and served with soy sauce.

Here's my own version of kimchijeon.
1. Chop the kimchi (old kimchi) and garlic.
2. Slice a half potato and half onion.
3. Put #1 and #2 in a big bowl and mix with flour.
4. Put some oil in a pan and fry the mixed ingredients.
5. Wait until it is brown.
For the sauce:
Pour some soy sauce and sesame oil in a saucer then sprinkle with sesame seeds.
7. Serve the kimchijeon with the sauce.

Kimchijeon is eaten as a side dish or snack.

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