Friday, November 18, 2011

Picnic with In-laws

Since we are living here in Jejudo, my in-laws came to visit us. First, my mother in law, next my sister in law and her family, then my brother in law and his family, and last my hubby's cousin and his wife. There are still coming on the list. It's a good chance for them to visit the famous place which is now one of the N7W. YES! Jejudo won the N7W that has just announced last week.

It's a little bit uncomfortable to have visitors but also enjoyable. We have to bring our visitors to some famous places. We recommended some good attractions to them and we guide them.

When we have visitors, we always have barbecue on the porch in a lodge that we are renting now. It's big and it's a great place for barbecue because there are lights surrounded to it. Well, here we are having barbecue. That's my hubby's hands cutting samgyopsal (korean barbecue).

My hubby again cutting sausages and my sister in law holding the plate.

We also had rawfish and maeuntang (fish soup) that my sister in law bought. She's also the one who cooked the delicious soup. She's really a good cook. I learned on how to cook from her.

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