Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Fruit Salad in Korea

We can't deny that we sometimes crave our native food. I've been staying here in Korea for more than 10 years and I already get used of eating Korean food. I rarely crave food back home usually when I just see some of it on the internet. What I always crave for is salad and fruit salad is my favorite. At first I gave up making some salad because I don't know where to get the ingredients that I need. Besides, it's expensive if I go to a store where I can get products made from my country.

But not anymore because I made my own salad which ingredients are from Korean products. Here's what you need. Raisins (Konpodo in korean), condensed milk (yonyu), fruit cocktail (you can get it at homeplus or e-mart), and sliced cheddar cheese (it's hard to get the not sliced ones). Here's what all you need.

All you have to do is to remove some of the syrup from the fruit cocktail. Then add the rest of the ingredients. You can add depends on which you like the most. In my case, I add much cheese because I'm a cheese lover. What I do is to put 3 slices of cheese together to make them thick and cut them into cubes. My hubby likes raisins or dried grapes so I put much of it. Just mix everything and put in the refrigerator.

Ready to be refrigerated.

The pictures above was eaten in one serve. My hubby and I had it the day after it was refrigerated so I made another one. Here's what I made for the second time. It must be put in the freezer but my hubby told me not to in the fridge because it's winter and he doesn't like to eat it with ice. Besides, it won't take long and we can eat it in a day or two and he was right.

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