Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Home-made Carbonara Spaghetti

Carbonara is my favorite spaghetti but not my hubby. My hubby doesn't like spaghetti much so when we go to the restaurant, we rarely order carbonara spaghetti because my hubby thinks it's greasy.

When I went to the supermarket, I decided to buy carbonara sauce and spaghetti noodles so I made some at home.

My hubby said he doesn't want to eat some so I only made a plate of spaghetti for me. Doesn't it look yummy? I put some sausages. It doesn't look and taste the way I expected but at least I had some and made it by myself.

Here's the steps that I made. I put the noodles in a boiling water with salt. While boiling, I fried the cut sausages and put a half of jar of sauce that I bought in the supermarket. After a few minutes, I put the noodles and mixed in the sauce. That's it! Just as easy as that! Come on! You can also make it! You don't have to spend too much at the expensive restaurants when you can make for less than $10 for two or three people.

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