Thursday, October 11, 2007


I don't what they are but they look like roots or ginseng and taste a little bit bitter. My grandmother always tell that they are good for our health and she usually buys Deodeog "더덕"(Codonopsis lanceolata) for us.

We went to Sunchang Gochujang with my mother in law and she bought deodeog and muu for us. I can say that this is the most delicious deodeog recipe that i've ever tasted.

Eventhough we went to sunchang, it was out of our plan to buy something. But hajuma who was in front of the store calling out the customer grab us to get inside the store and taste all the recipe that they've got. They serve us this. Hubby said that their deodeog is delicious so mom in law bought some for us.

Here's the deodeog that i am talking about.

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