Sunday, December 23, 2007

genyip chicken

Whenever i'm tired or don't wann cook dinner, we always order chicken. Eventhough we want different food but most restaurants don't deliver around 10p.m. So when hubby dial the phone, i'm sure he's ordering chicken. As you know i've already posted diffrent kinds of chicken that we ordered like this chicken with rice cake, my favorite red combo chicken, and this chickens that i've already collected 10 coupons and changed it to whole chicken. But we've never tried this genyip (sesame leaves) chicken. So, we ordered it.

The green color the you see is the genyip. This chicken last for almost a week before we can eat all. Maybe you know what i mean. This one is not as delicious as others. It's cheap, though.

When you order chicken here, it always comes with this radish pickles.

Btw, this menu also comes with vegetable salad but i couldn't take a picture of it because hubby already touched it. That's because he was already starving so he couldn't wait for me. hehehe...

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