Monday, March 3, 2008

beef bones

When my in laws visited us, we went to the market to buy some beef bones. We've been to many market but we couldn't find what we were looking for so we went to the county and drove for an hour to buy this fresh beef bones for my sister in law. My sister in law delivered a new baby girl so i heard that beef bones is good for her. Here's we bought. My father in law paid more than $100 for this bones.

My mother in law cooked the bones for several hours and she uses the stock when she cook soup specially myokgu which is eaten by a mom who has just deliver a baby. When we went back to my sister, i saw this in her veranda. The bones soup.

My mother in law said that she already cooked the bones for the third time and it's still white as milk. When i had a taste of it, it still tastes like my favorite sollongtang soup. My mother in law wants us to go back to the shop where we bought the meat but we couldn't just have time to go back there again. But i'm sure we can go there before my sister in law ate the soup in that big pot.

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