Tuesday, May 13, 2008

New Chinese Restaurant

It was Parent's day last Thursday so we met my mom in law and treated her for lunch last weekend. There was a newly opened Chinese restaurant not far from my apartment so we went there. There restaurant is big and from outside, you can easily recognized that it's a chinese restaurant because of the images outside and decorations. Unlike the other restaurants, you feel that you are in a chinese place as soon as you enter there. The place is surrounded by red stuffs and some chinese letters. I can't understand chinese so i don't what it means. hehehehe..

Here's some pictures of the restaurant. I shot them when i went to the bathroom. hehehe..

We ordered tangsuyug and black noodles. I only took a picture of tangsuyug and couldn't take a picture of black noodles because my mom in law was there.

My hubby had a talked to the manager and he found out that the owner of the chinese restaurant where we usually go to is the owner's brother. That's why we were surprised when they serve the same side dishes including the dessert. The taste of the tangsuyug is same too.

Compare the tangsuyug and jjajangmyeon (black noodles) of our favorite restaurant.

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