Thursday, September 25, 2008

Is losing weight is as easy as gaining weight?

While we were having a meeting, my boss complained because we always throw away some cooked rice. Although lunch is free, I don't eat lunch at work. I eat at home with my hubby. My hubby always tells me to put a little rice in my bowl so that I can't eat too much. At work, we have to eat as fast as we can. The reason why have fats around our belly. Hubby always reminds me to eat a little and slowly.

I wasn't fat before. I just gained weight after getting married. I thought losing weight is as easy as gaining weight but that was a big mistake. It's hard to lose weight and the bodyfats. I heard a lot of people going on a surgery just to lose their bodyfats but I'd never do that so I kept searching for a High Performance fat burner and luckily I already found one. Fenphedra is the one because it has no huge list of ingredients masked in a proprietary blend. It contains DiCaffeine Malate, Chocamine TM, Synephrine, Phenylethylamine and Humulus Lupus.

I wanna try this fenphedra because it is one of the best fat burners that have reviewed and pills that can lose 10% of bodyfat in a 3 week period.

1 comment:

  1. It depends but of course it is more expensive in order to gain have to eat 6 meals a day and take some natural health supplements.. while loosing some weight it only needs discipline and consistency but yeah i think it's also it really depends on the person i guess...
