Friday, September 26, 2008

Spareribs in Sweet Sauce (Twaejigalbi Kangjong)

Spareribs in Sweet Sauce (Twaejigalbi Kangjong)

Ingredients: 1 1/3 lb. pork ribs, black pepper, ginger juice, MSG, cornstarch powder, salad oil, 2 Korean green peppers, 2 red peppers, 1/4 round onion, carrot, 2 garlic, 1/4 cup sweet sauce

1. Remove excess fat from the spareribs. Boil them and then score and marinate them in the seasoning.
2. Halve the red peppers and green peppers to remove the seeds. Cut the peppers, carrot and round onion into flat pieces and fry them lightly in an oiled pan.
3. Dip the spareribs in cornstarch powder and deep-fry them in oil.
4. Place the deep-fried ribs, vegetables and sweet sauce in a pan and simmer together on low hear.

1. This is a high-grade dish which can be made easily for guests as a basic side dish if you prepare the sweet sauce beforehand.
2. To make the sweet sauce: 1 cup nicely aged soy sauce, 2/3 cup water, 1/2 lb. grain syrup (like dark corn syrup), 1 oz. ginger juice, 1/3 cup sugar, 1/4 cup rice wine. Place the above ingredients in a pan and simmer them in low heat until thick.

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