Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Duldul Chicken

There are different kinds of Chicken restaurant in Korea. Most of them are franchise restaurants. BHC, Mexicana, Pelicana, Ajuker, Chokajip, Nene, etc.. are just some of the delicious chicken that I've tasted. Of course Kanpungi and Salad Mognun Chicken (Chicken eaten with salad) are excluded because they have different menu. I have tasted most of the chicken menu from different restaurants except Duldul (Two Two) Chicken. I'm not interested with the name so I don't think it's delicious.

I told you many times that we always sleep late so when we're hungry, we usually order food and sea food or chicken is what we always expect. My hubby was hungry again but he didn't wanna eat seafood or any chicken that I mentioned above. Then he said, how about trying Duldul chicken. I agreed although I didn't expect much. I'm just afraid that it would disappoint me again like the other chicken that we ordered when we try to another to another restaurant. But thanks I wasn't. It's also yummy! It's more delicious than some of my favorite chicken dish that I mentioned above.

Here's duldul chicken. The chicken came with delicious vegetable salad and spicy rice cake. Also with Cola and radish pickle like what most chicken restaurant serve when you order chicken.

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