Sunday, April 20, 2008

Baby tag

I've been tagged by Chinny. Thanks sis for this very cute and adorable baby tag..hehehehe..

Copy here:
1. Answer the Kid’s Question by Gregory Stock, PH.D. Remember: Don’t respond as you think others want you to. Respond the way you actually feel!
2. Add your name (linked to your blog)

3. Tag everybody else!

Kid’s Question #1 If you were the ruler of the world and you could have anything you wanted as well as have people do anything you wanted, do you think you would get greedy and mean or would you be a good and fair ruler?

>Oh, it's really a hard question for me. I can't make decisions easily so ruling the country or world never came into my mind. I'm sure i can't rule fairly but i think i would be a good ruler because I always consider other feelings and have the heart of helping others.

Jhong, Alpha, Women Xplore, Em, Something Purple, Our Journey to Life, My Planet Purple, Princess Bela, Princess Vien, cookie jar of entertainment, allinkorea, kim, idealpinkrose, korean food

Now i'm tagging *venus*, *petite*, *lynn1*, *life abroad*, *jackie*, *desperate blogger*, *arun*, *cheryll*, *era* and *precious*.


  1. thanks for the tagged ill be happy posting it in my paged.


  2. Thanks for the tag. By the way, I would like to exchange links with you. Please inform me if you are interested ;0

  3. Hi, I have added your link here please add mine too ;0
