Friday, April 25, 2008

Raw fish again?

We always stay up late at night. We watch tv, using the computer, play games, etc. We are night owls and evening is our favorite time. We don't usually sleep on Friday and Saturday nights but we sleep all day during the weekends if we just don't have plan to go out. Last night, at 2a.m. my hubby asked me if i wasn't hungry. I was a little bit hungry so he said he would order raw fish again. Whenever we discover some food and restaurants that we like then it's the one that we usually order and go to rather than trying the other ones and just feel upset and disappointed after.

This restaurant sells cheap and delicious sea foods and they deliver until 4a.m. so whenever we crave for seafoods specially during late at night then it's the one that we always dial. Here's the food that we order. Yes, the same restaurant but gives different side dishes.

When i took the picture, hubby said that i always post the same food on my food blog. Compare this Sashimi, Sea foods, sushi, nakkji (live octopus) and my former post. Oh well, at least i have something to post about. hehehehe... Here's the side dishes that i didn't post here. And look! the fish is different, isn't it? hehehe..

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