Saturday, April 19, 2008

Raw fish and raw octopus

When we went to my sister in law, she told us to have dinner together so we stayed in her house and waited for dinner time. hehehehe... She asked us what we wanted for dinner. Because nobody didn't mentioned any food maybe because we just had lunch that time and everyone was full, so nothing came to our mind. Her husband said he would buy raw fish.

When the dinner time came, he left and when he came home with this raw fish.

While he was in the restaurant, he called and asked if we also want to eat raw octopus. Hubby said it's up to him so he also came with this.

My sister in law also prepared some side dishes because Koreans eat with many side dishes every meals. She hasn't done setting the table when i took a picture of this food. She was busy in the kitchen. I tried to help her but she didn't want. She said there was nothing to do but when she was finished, she prepared a lot and the food didn't have enough space so we had to remove some of it.

Related posts: Sashimi, Sea foods, sushi, nakkji (live octopus)

1 comment:

  1. Hey sis! dalaw lang po. I love raw fish but I only eat tuna. Other than that, everything has to be fried, steamed or stewed.
